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Home MAKEUP FOUNDATION INVISIBLE Foundation Invisible Soft Beige

Foundation Invisible Soft Beige

Price: €37.58
List Price: €44.21
Discount: €6.63 (15.00%)
  • Rating: (4)
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    0.000 Kgs
Invisible Foundation - Soft Beige - Waterproof Invisible Soft Beige Foundation – waterproof – is foundation, of medium shade, with medium degree of coverage and matte finish. It is recommended for people with oily, combination or normal skin. . It has the ability to mask small imperfections of the skin and give a uniform appearance to the skin. The components in the composition of the foundation INVISIBLE SOFT BEIGE have the role in: - hydration of the skin - stimulation of collagen synthesis - antiseptic effect - with the help of hyaluronic acid in the composition, it offers a protective effect against premature aging of the skin. Suitable for daily use 24 HOURS RESISTANCE AND TRANSFER RESISTANT IT DOES NOT CONTAIN PARABENS AND NANO-INGREDIENTS !!!! Mark Wirlen INVISIBLE foundation is recommended for oily, combination or normal skin. Shades: INVISIBLE SOFT BEIGE - the average shade of this range. INVISIBLE LIGHT MOKA – the darkest shade in this range, for tanned / slightly tanned skin INVISIBLE PORCELAIN – the lightest shade in this range, strictly for white skin Weight: 30 g
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The Mark Wirlen brand was created in 2016, through the joint efforts of the best Ukrainian and Italian masters, combining the best achievements of world cosmetology. All products are based on many years of experience in cosmetics, creativity and inspiration of makeup artists working directly to create the image of the Woman. Each product is designed to make daily makeup beautiful and accessible to every woman. Ukrainian cosmetics Mark Wirlen are created using the maximum amount of natural ingredients and nutrients. All product research and testing takes place in Italy and complies with the high quality standards of the European Union. Our products have received a well-deserved recognition from makeup artists from all over Europe and have become one of the most popular brands on the market. The authorization for placing on the market and marketing within the EU belongs to Colibri Cosmetics Adgroup SRL.
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by Maria Oprea, 21 Oct 2021

Recomand acest fond de ten împreuna cu baza de la Cone ! Este absolut geniiiiaaall , se aseaza impecabil ! Lucrez de puțin timp cu el dar clar este in topul favoritelor mele

by Lupsan Anamaria, 20 Oct 2021

Deci il iubesc, folosesc de 2 ani doar fondul acesta de ten impreuna cu baza, are o acoperire mare si nu se mai vad cosurile dedesubt. De obicei am un ten foarte sensibil la fondurile de ten, dar la acest nici o reactie???? nu stiu care e secrtetul, dar il ador, recomand cu incredere????

by Andreea, 20 Oct 2021

Acest fond de ten mi-a schimbat viața! Am cautat foarte mult timp un fond de ten care sa mi se potrivească și care sa arate pe tenul meu fix asa cum m-ar machia o profesionistă. Nu are efect de masca și "strălucește" pe piele, este un produs preț - calitate. Este preferatul meu și îl adoooorr. ????????????????

by Ghiorghiulescu Denisa Alexandra, 20 Oct 2021

Am primit acest fond de ten de la mama mea și am rămas wow :)) cel mai frumos cadou primit până acum de la ea ( i'm proud ♡) ! Este singurul fond de ten ce nu îmi provoacă bubițe, acoperirea este medie și e ideal pentru machiajul de zi cu zi ,hidrateaza tenul și dă acel efect de glowy skin pe care toate ni-l dorim ! Îl recomand din suflet ???????? e lovely ???? trust me !!!


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